SID China Spring Online Technical Meetingis a platform where professionals from display industry and academic communitycan share their latest technical results and exchange new ideas. From May toJune 2020, a series of online meeting of various display technical fields willbe broadcasted live on Wednesdays and Saturdays. There are 17 technical fieldscovered, including Active Matrix Device, Applied Vision, AR&VR, DisplayApplications, Display Electronics, Display Measurement, Display Manufacturing,Display Systems, Emissive Displays, E-paper & Flexible Displays,Liquid-Crystal Technology, Lighting, OLEDs, Printed Displays, Projection, Touch& Interactive Displays, Vehicle Displays. AMD Session
Title of the talk: Vertical oxide TFT forultra-high resolution and deformable display Speaker: Sang-Hee Ko Park (Professor, SID Fellow, KAIST)
Title of the talk: Semi-Metal Based TFTsfor Display Drivers Speaker: Aiming Song (Professor, ShandongUniversity)
Title of the talk: Using Gap-Type TFT asthe Photo Device for Optical Fingerprint Sensing Speaker: Ya-Hsiang Tai (Professor, TaiwanChiao Tung University)
Title of the talk: Advanced PixelTechnologies Enabling Next Generation Large Area Imaging Speaker: Kai Wang (Professor, Sun Yat-SenUniversity)
Title of the talk: Systematic DefectManipulation in Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors Thin-Film Transistors Speaker: Lei Lu (Assistant Professor,Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School)
Title of the talk: AM Mini-LED LocalDimming Backlight Achieving high Dynamic Contrast for 8K Displays Speaker: Daobing Hu (R&D Engineer, TCLCSOT Optoelectronics Technology Co. LTD) Display Manufacturing and LCT Session
Title of the talk: FMM Material andManufacturing Process for High Resolution AMOLED Displays Speaker: Chiwoo Kim (CTO, APS Holdings)
Title of the talk: Fabrication of lowresistivity metallization for stretchable display interconnection Speaker: Jong Hyun Seo (CEO, CuprumMaterials Inc.)
Title of the talk: The laser annealing forcrystallization of amorphous silicon using blue light semiconductor laser Speaker: Yingbao Yang (V-technology Co.,Ltd.)
Title of the talk: Scaling and integrationof organic hybrid electronics by advanced photolithography Speaker: Tung-Huei Ke (Senior researcher,R&D Project Leader, IMEC)
Title of the talk: Photoalignedferroelectric liquid crystals: applications in displays and photonics Speaker: Vladimir Chigrinov (Professor,Foshan University)
Title of the talk: Digital optics anddigital modulation Speaker: Kenneth Tai (CEO, Jasper DisplayCorp.)
Title of the talk: Study on opticalstructure of wide color gamut and same color display Speaker: Yubao Sun (Professor, HebeiUniversity of Technology) Title of the talk: Advanced ADS Pro LCD Technology Speaker: Feifei Wang (Senior Engineer , BOE)
Title of the talk: Applying HVS Model toConstruct SPR Algorithm for PenTile RGB Display Speaker: Baojun Wang (Engineer, TCL CSOTOptoelectronics Technology Co. LTD) Printed Display and e-Paper & Flexible Display Session
Title of the talk: Electrowetting Displaysfor Reflective Applications Speaker: Alex Henzen (Professor, SouthChina Normal University)
Title of the talk: FlexiOM: OrganicTransistor Materials for Plastic Liquid Crystal Displays Speaker: Mike Banach (CTO, FlexEnable)
Title of the talk: Flexible Hard CoatingCover Window Solutions for Foldable Display Speaker: Byeong-Soo Bae (Professor, KAIST)
Title of the talk: Study on PrintingProcess of New Luminous Materials Speaker: Junbiao Peng (Professor/Dean,South China University of Technology)
Title of the talk: Towards the NextGeneration Display: Ink-jet Printing Technology Speaker: Weiran Cao (Chief engineer, TCLCSOT Optoelectronics Technology Co. LTD)
Title of the talk: Applications for Bistable Electronic Paper Display without battery Speaker: Xidu Wang (R&D Director, GuangzhouAoyi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.) Display Measurement and Display Vision Session
Title of the talk: The contrast sensitivityfunction--from laboratory to clinic Speaker: Fang Hou (Leader of visualinformation processing and brain plasticity research group, school of optometryof Wenzhou medical university, affiliated optometry hospital) Title of the talk: Benefits of emissivedisplay (OLED TV) from a visual perception Speaker: Kyongho Lim (Researcher, Ph.D., SoutheastUniversity) Title of the talk: Research on testingmethod for short-term ghosting image of OLED display Speaker: Yuexing Ma (Researcher, Visionox)
Title of the talk: Luminance Instability ofOLED panels at Various Situations Speaker: Luning Liu (Researcher, WuhanJingce Electronic)
Title of the talk: The quantification andstandardization of virtual images for VR/AR displays Speaker: Tongsheng Mou (Professor, ZhejiangUniversity) Title of the talk: Single Pixel Metrology of µ-LED Displays Speaker: Cameron Hughes(Product Manager,Insturment Systems GmbH) Title of the talk: The latest progress ofmeasurement technology related to Micro-LED and Mini-LED display Speaker: Li Song (Researcher, HangzhouEverfinePhotoelectricInformation co. LTD) Micro-LED Display Session
Title of the talk: Monolithic Micro-LEDFull-Color Micro-Displays: Towards Mass Production Speaker: Xu Zhang (Hong Kong University ofScience and Technology)
Title of the talk: TBD Speaker: Ioannis (John) Kymissis (Professor,Columbia University)
Title of the talk: Microassembly Printer for LEDs and Beyond Speaker: Eugene Chow, MicrosystemsManger& Chief Scientist, Parc
Title of the talk: 200 and 300 mm LEDepiwafers - enabling cost-competitive mass production of micro LED displays Speaker: Atsushi Nishikawa (CTO, ALLOSSemiconductors GmbH)
Title of the talk: Fast EL Test for Efficient Mini/MicroLED Display Manufacturing Speaker: Francois Henley (Chairman &CEO, Tesoro Scientific Inc.)
Title of the talk: The future of over 100inches ultra HD LED displays Speaker: Menglong Tu (Senior Director of R&D center, Ledman Photoelectric) Title of the talk: Glass Base AM mini-LED Technology Speaker: Lingyun Shi(Minister, BOE) Title of the talk: Toward for Ultimate Displays with MicroLED Speaker: Falcon Liu(Marketing Director, Playnitride) Quantum Dot Display Application Session Title of the talk: Inkjet printing QLEDwith high performance and long life Speaker: Chaoyu Xiang (Professor, Ningboinstitute of materials technology and engineering, Chinese academy of sciences)
Title of the talk: Synthesis and deviceconstruction of inorganic CsPbX3 luminescent quantum dot Speaker: Jizhong Song (Professor, NanjingUniversity of Science and Technology)
Title of the talk: Resist-freePhotolithography of Colloidal Nanocrystals: From Surface Chemistry to PotentialApplications in QLEDs Speaker: Hao Zhang (Associate Professor, TsinghuaUniversity)
Title of the talk: Synergetic DeviceArchitecture for Efficient Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes Speaker: Jianxin Tang (Professor, SoochowUniversity)
Title of the talk: Sol-Gel SynthesizedSiloxane Encapsulated QD for Color Converters in Display Applications Speaker: Byeong-Soo Bae (Professor, KAIST) Title of the talk: exciton generation in quantum-dot electroluminescence Speaker: Yizheng Jin (Researcher, Zhejiang University ) OLED and Flexible Display Session
Title of the talk: The research progress ofPrinted and Flexible OLED Speaker: Honglong Ning (Researcher, SouthChina University of Technology)
Title of the talk: High-efficiency blue light OLED Speaker: Lixin Xiao (Professor, BeijingUniversity)
Title of the talk: Human friendly lightsources for displays and lighting Speaker: Zhuohui Zhou (Professor, TaiwanTsing Hua University)
Title of the talk: TBD Speaker: Jianhua Zhang (Professor, ShanghaiUniversity)
Title of the talk: OLEDs and TFTsfabricated on PET Fibers (tentative) Speaker: Kyung Cheol Choi (Professor, KAIST) Title of the talk: Foldable AMOLED Display Reshaping the Mobile Industry Speaker:Jianping Chen (Technical Fellow, Visionox) Display System and Display Application Session
Title of the talk: System-LevelCo-simulation Combined with Full-wave 3D Model and Circuit Elements forElectrostatic Discharge in Display Devices Speaker: Lanlan Yang (Professor, SoutheastUniversity)
Title of the talk: The general trend andbreakthrough points of traditional display with health concept Speaker: Honglei Ji (Senior Engineer, TCL Multimedia)
Title of the talk: Multi-primary-colorquantum-dot photoluminescence film for display applications Speaker: Enguo Chen (Associate Professor, FuzhouUniversity) Title of the talk: The story of New Motorola Razr Speaker: Nan Lin (Moto DDC director, Lenovo) Title of the talk: 8K VR SmartView Solution Speaker: Jinghua Miao(Section Chief,BOE) Title of the talk: Trends of display technologies used in TV field Speaker: Mingsheng Qiao(Technical Director,Hisense) Vehicle Display and Projection Display Session
Title of the talk: Commercial Dual-Focal-Plane Augmented Reality Head-Up Display Using a Single PictureGeneration Unit and a Single Freeform Mirror Speaker: Zong Qin (Associate Professor, SunYat-Sen University)
Title of the talk: Controllable Viewing Angle Luminance for Super-Fine-TFT LCD Speaker: Longcai Xin (Optical Engineer, TianmaMicroelectronics)
Title of the talk: Flexible Liquid Crystal Films for Automotive Switchable Window Speaker: Fenghua Li (Chairman, SHENZHENWICUE OPTOELECTRONICS CO.,LTD)
Title of the talk: GaN based materials andlasers Speaker: Degang Zhao (Professor, Instituteof semiconductors, Chinese academy of sciences)
Title of the talk: The latest development of laser display technology in China Speaker: Yong Bi (Director of applied lasercenter, Researcher, Technical institute of physics and chemistry, Chineseacademy of sciences)
Title of the talk: The speckle measurement of laser displays based on the eye’s characteristics Speaker: Jianping Wang (IEC TC110International Standard Expert、CIE Expert, HangzhouSantai testing technology co. LTD) AR&VR and Interactive Technology Session
Title of the talk: Augmented RealityDevices Using Holographic Optical Elements Speaker: Byoungho Lee (Professor, SeoulNational University)
Title of the talk: Ultra Low Power SensorInterfaces Speaker: Arokia Nathan (CTO, Cambridge Touch Technologies Cambridge, UK)
Title of the talk: Overview of informationdisplay human-machine touch interaction technology Speaker: Zhicheng Ye (Associate Researcher,Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Title of the talk: The Application of MetalMesh Manhattan Patterns in Flexible Touch Panel Speaker: Shuang Wang (Shanghai Tianma Microelectronics) Title of the talk: TBD Speaker: Huajun Peng (CEO, Shenzhen NED Optics Co.,Ltd.) Title of the talk: Application of microdisplay technology in new AR near - eye display Speaker: Xin Zhao (Engineer, LINGXI AR ) Light Field Display Session Title of the talk: Integrated imaging desk topreal 3D display technology Speaker: Qiong-hua Wang (Professor, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Title of the talk: Holographic Waveguide Display for Augmented Reality Speaker: Yu’ning Zhang (Director, Southeast university display technology research center) Title of the talk:360 Degree Display for Realistic 3-Dimension Image Speaker: Xiaodi Tan (Professor, Fujian Normal University) Title of the talk: 3D optical field display technology based on thin film lens Speaker: Linsen Chen (Chairman, SVG Optronics Co., Ltd) Title of the talk: Naked eye 3D light field display Speaker: Xinzhu Sang (Professor, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) SID China春季线上技术研讨会为显示产业界和学术界提供展示最新技术成果和促进技术交流的平台。从5月至6月,每周三和每周六采用网络线上直播的方式,分技术领域举办系列研讨会,涵盖显示的17个技术领域:有源矩阵器件、应用视觉、增强现实及虚拟现实、显示应用、显示电子、显示测量、显示制造、显示系统、主动发光显示、电子纸及柔性显示、液晶显示、照明、有机发光二极管显示、印刷显示、投影显示、触控与交互显示、车载显示。 有源矩阵器件专场 报告题目:Vertical oxide TFT for ultra-high resolution and deformable display 讲师:Sang-Hee Ko Park(教授,SID Fellow,韩国科学技术院(KAIST)) 报告题目:Semi-Metal Based TFTs for Display Drivers 讲师:宋爱民(教授,山东大学) 报告题目:Using Gap-Type TFT as the Photo Device for Optical Fingerprint Sensing 讲师:戴亚翔(Ya-Hsiang Tai)(教授,台湾交通大学) 报告题目:Advanced Pixel Technologies Enabling Next Generation Large Area Imaging 讲师:王凯(教授,中山大学) 报告题目:Systematic Defect Manipulation in Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors Thin-Film Transistors 讲师:陆磊(助理教授,北京大学深圳研究生院) 报告题目:AM MiniLED Local Dimming Backlight Achieving high Dynamic Contrast for 8K Displays 讲师:胡道兵(研发工程师,TCL华星光电技术有限公司) 显示制造和液晶技术专场 报告题目:FMM Material and Manufacturing Process for High Resolution AMOLED Displays 讲师:Chiwoo Kim(CTO,APS Holdings) 报告题目:Fabrication of low resistivity metalllization for stretchable display interconnection 讲师:Jong Hyun Seo(CEO,Cuprum Materialas Inc.) 报告题目:The laser annealing for crystallization of amorphous silicon using blue light semiconductor laser 讲师:杨映保(V-technology Co., Ltd.) 报告题目:Scaling and integration of organic hybrid electronics by advanced photolithography 讲师:Tung-Huei Ke柯统辉(高级研究员、研发项目负责人,比利时微电子研究中心(IMEC)) 报告题目:Photoaligned ferroelectric liquid crystals: applications in displays and photonics 讲师:Vladimir Chigrinov(教授,佛山大学) 报告题目:数字光学与数字调制 讲师:邰中和(Kenneth Tai)(CEO,Jasper Display Corp.) 报告题目:宽色域和相同色彩显示的光学结构研究 讲师:孙玉宝(教授,河北工业大学) 报告题目:Advanced ADS Pro LCD Technology(高画质ADS Pro技术) 讲师:王菲菲(高级工程师,京东方) 报告题目:Applying HVS Model to Construct SPR Algorithm for PenTile RGB Display 讲师:王保军(工程师,TCL华星光电技术有限公司) 印刷显示和电子纸及柔性显示专场 报告题目:Electrowetting Displays for Reflective Applications 讲师:Alex Henzen(教授,华南师范大学) 报告题目:FlexiOM: Organic Transistor Materials for Plastic Liquid Crystal Displays 讲师:Mike Banach(技术总监,FlexEnable) 报告题目:Flexible Hard Coating Cover Window Solutions for Foldable Display 讲师:Byeong-Soo Bae(教授,韩国科学技术院) 报告题目:新型发光材料的印刷制备工艺研究 讲师:彭俊彪(教授/院长,华南理工大学) 报告题目:Towards the Next Generation Display: Ink-jet Printing Technology 讲师:曹蔚然(首席工程师,TCL华星光电技术有限公司) 报告题目:Applications for Bistable Electronic Paper Display without battery无电池的双稳态电子纸应用 讲师:王喜杜(研发总监,广州奥翼电子科技股份有限公司) 显示测量和显示视觉专场 报告题目:对比敏感度——从基础到临床The contrast sensitivity function——from laboratory to clinic 讲师:侯方(生物医学工程学院视觉信息处理与大脑可塑性课题组负责人,温州医科大学眼视光学院,附属眼视光医院) 报告题目:Benefits of emissive display (OLED TV) from a visual perception 讲师:Kyongho Lim(研究员,Ph.D.,东南大学) 报告题目:针对OLED显示器短期残影的测试方法研究 讲师:马悦兴(研究员,维信诺) 报告题目:Luminance Instability of OLED panels at Various Situations 讲师:刘璐宁(研究员,武汉精测电子集团股份有限公司) 报告题目:VR/AR虚拟影像评测和国际标准制订(The quantification and standardization of virtual images for VR/AR displays) 讲师:牟同升(教授,浙江大学) 报告题目:Single Pixel Metrology of µ-LED Displays (Micro-LED显示器的单像素计量法) 讲师:Cameron Hughes(产品经理,Insturment Systems GmbH) 报告题目:Micro-LED与Mini-LED显示相关检测技术最新进展 讲师:宋立(研究员,杭州远方光电信息有限公司) Micro-LED技术专场 报告题目:Monolithic Micro-LED Full-Color Micro-Displays: Towards Mass Production 讲师:仉旭(香港科技大学) 报告题目:TBD 讲师:Ioannis (John) Kymissis (哥伦比亚大学教授) 报告题目:Microassembly Printer for LEDs and Beyond 讲师:Eugene Chow,Microsystems领域经理兼首席科学家,Parc 报告题目:200 and 300 mm LED epiwafers - enabling cost-competitive mass production of micro LED displays 讲师:Atsushi Nishikawa(CTO,ALLOS Semiconductors GmbH) 报告题目:Fast EL Test for Efficient Mini/MicroLED Display Manufacturing 讲师:Francois Henley,总裁兼首席执行官 ,Tesoro Scientific Inc. 报告题目:Glass Base AM mini-LED Technology 讲师:时凌云,部长 ,京东方 报告题目:100吋以上超高清LED显示的未来 讲师:屠孟龙,技术研发中心高级总监,雷曼光电 报告题目:Toward for Ultimate Displays with MicroLED 讲师:Falcon Liu刘应苍(行销总监,Playnitride) 量子点技术专场 报告题目:高性能长寿命喷墨打印QLED 讲师:向超宇(教授,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所) 报告题目:无机CsPbX3发光量子点的合成与器件构筑 讲师:宋继中(教授,南京理工大学) 报告题目:Resist-free Photolithography of Colloidal Nanocrystals: From Surface Chemistry to Potential Applications in QLEDs 讲师:张昊(副教授,清华大学) 报告题目:Synergetic Device Architecture for Efficient Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes 讲师:唐建新(教授,苏州大学) 报告题目:Sol-Gel Synthesized Siloxane Encapsulated QD for Color Converters in Display Applications 讲师:Byeong-Soo Bae(教授,韩国科学技术院) 报告题目:exciton generation in quantum-dot electroluminescence 讲师:金一政(研究员,浙江大学化学系) OLED和柔性显示专场 报告题目:印刷和柔性OLED的研究进展 讲师:宁洪龙(研究员,华南理工大学) 报告题目:高效蓝光OLED 讲师:肖立新(教授,北京大学) 报告题目:Human friendly light sources for displays and lighting人体友善显示与照明光源 讲师:周卓辉(教授,台湾清华大学) 报告题目:TBD 讲师:张建华(教授,上海大学) 报告题目:暂定:OLEDs and TFTs fabricated on PET Fibers 讲师:Kyung Cheol Choi(教授,韩国科学技术院) 报告题目:Foldable AMOLED Display Reshaping the Mobile Industry 讲师:陈建平(资深技术专家,维信诺) 显示系统和显示应用专场 报告题目:显示器件中静电放电的场路协同仿真研究,System-Level Co-simulation Combined with Full-wave 3D Model and Circuit Elements for Electrostatic Discharge in Display Devices 讲师:杨兰兰(教授,东南大学) 报告题目:传统显示融入健康理念的大趋势和突破点 讲师:季洪雷(高级工程师,TCL多媒体) 报告题目:Multi-primary-color quantum-dot photoluminescence film for display applications 讲师:陈恩果(副教授,福州大学) 报告题目:TBD 讲师:林楠(研发总监,联想集团) 报告题目:8K VR Smart View Solution 讲师:苗京花(科长,京东方) 报告题目:Trends of display technologies used in TV field(暂定) 讲师:乔明胜(技术总监,显示研发部,海信视像科技股份有限公司) 车载显示和投影显示专场 报告题目:Commercial Dual-Focal-Plane Augmented Reality Head-Up Display Using a Single Picture Generation Unit and a Single Freeform Mirror 讲师:秦宗(副教授,中山大学) 报告题目:Controllable Viewing Angle Luminance for Super-Fine-TFT LCD 讲师:辛龙才(光学工程师,天马微电子股份有限公司) 报告题目:柔性液晶膜的汽车明暗变光玻璃应用 讲师:李风华(董事长,深圳市唯酷光电有限公司) 报告题目:GaN基材料与激光器 讲师:赵德刚(教授,中国科学院半导体研究所) 报告题目:我国激光显示技术的最新进展 讲师:毕勇(应用激光中心主任,研究员,中国科学院理化技术研究所) 报告题目:"基于人眼视觉特性的激光显示散斑测试 (The speckle measurement of laser displays based on the eye’s characteristics)" 讲师:王建平(IEC TC110国际标准专家、CIE专家,杭州三泰检测技术有限公司) AR&VR和交互技术专场 报告题目:Augmented Reality Devices Using Holographic Optical Elements 讲师:Byoungho Lee(教授,首尔大学) 报告题目:Ultra Low Power Sensor Interfaces 讲师:Arokia Nathan(CTO,Cambridge Touch Technologies Cambridge,UK) 报告题目:信息显示人机触控交互技术综述 讲师:叶志成(副研究员,上海交通大学) 报告题目:The Application of Metal Mesh Manhattan Patterns in Flexible Touch Panel 讲师:王双(上海天马微电子有限公司) 报告题目:TBD 讲师:彭华军(CEO,深圳纳德光学有限公司) 报告题目:微显示技术在新型AR近眼显示中的应用 讲师:赵鑫(工程师,灵犀微光) 光场显示专场 报告题目:集成成像桌面真3D显示技术 讲师:王琼华(教授,北京航空航天大学) 报告题目:全息波导增强现实显示 讲师:张宇宁(主任,东南大学显示技术研究中心) 报告题目:360 Degree Display for Realistic 3-Dimension Image 讲师:谭小地(教授,福建师范大学) 报告题目:基于薄膜透镜的向光场3D显示技术 讲师:陈林森(董事长,苏州苏大维格光电科技股份有限公司) 报告题目:裸眼3D光场显示 讲师:桑新柱(教授,北京邮电大学) |